Latest analysis for #FortRuss. The thesis attempts to analyse Russia's current economic and political trajectories using Marxist theory, criticises them based on the current means of production, and offers solutions to the benefit of the #OBOR. It is open to criticism and debate, so feel free to do so.
Note: I strongly criticise the current definition of #multipolarism because I see it as a stage of development where the means of production, as well as the accumulation of surplus value in developing countries surpasses imperial countries. When this occurs, sharp crises emerge as imperialist nations fight to maintain dominance in the global order, financially and politically, through state apparatuses.
Therefore, multipolarism is more of a transient phase of world order and not a sustained, end result thereof. The origins of this observation are in "The State and Revolution", by V. Lenin.
Kindly share, criticise, and leave comments. Thanks to Joaquin Flores and the Fort Russ crew for their support!
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